Monarch Butterfly Migrating South for the Winter

Map of the Monarch Butterfly winter migration south.

Monarch Butterfly migration map: Fall patterns. Base map source: USGS National Atlas

Monarch Butterflies & ViolinsMonarch Butterfly Migrating South for the Winter is an excellent DVD movie about visiting the famed Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary of Mexico! Climbing the sanctuary trail at 10,000 feet, we see the Monarchs leave their clusters as the sun warms their wings, then rest on gorgeous flowers to sun themselves before flying down to drink from a shallow stream and to explore the superb fir forest in which they hibernate. Along the way we meet American, Canadian, and Mexican visitors who share their wonder and delight at the unforgettable beauty of the millions of butterflies which surround us. Highly rated reviews.

Monarch Butterflies Return Routes in the Spring

Map of Monarch Butterfly migration return in the spring.

Monarch Butterfly migration map: Spring & Summer patterns. Base map source: USGS National Atlas.

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